Under the wire: Trebek — Walkthrough
Recommended VPS Providers:
Low commitment VPS with many locations: https://www.vultr.com/?ref=7348591
Cheap VPS for long term use: https://my.racknerd.com/aff.php?aff=4342
Special network / bandwidth connectivity: https://bandwagonhost.com/aff.php?aff=67638
Alternative: https://www.arkecx.com/aff.php?aff=188
Trebek, by Under the wire can be found at underthewire.tech
!!! WARNING: Spoilers !!!
Trebek 1 -> 2
Read the value from the or use findstr Command
Trebek 2-> 3
Trebek 3-> 4
Trebek 4-> 5
Trebek 5-> 6
Read the Run key value
Trebek 6-> 7
Trebek 7 -> 8
Trebek 8 -> 9
Trebek 9 -> 10
Trebek 10 -> 11
Trebek 11 -> 12
Trebek 12 -> 13
Trebek 13 -> 14
Trebek 14 -> 15
Special thanks to Fernando Tomlinson @Wired_Pulse for creation of this game.
Last updated